Tank Journal Archive


Jul 13, 2011
Aitutaki Dreams , The End!
And there it is. The end....
That's global warming for you. Or another fellow reefers gain, lol
Suddenly, instantly the reef is gone. Left with an empty void and memories of a fantastic journey shared with all, it's time to say goodbye to what has been the best thing I ever did.
You won't believe me if I told you the story , but , only in their dreams can man be truly free, it was always thus, and thus it will always be. Did I dream big......

What I can tell you is if you set your mind to it you can achieve anything.
And look where I am today off to run a job I nicknamed "The Destiny"
I can only pinch myself knowing what I have done ....,in the past three years, with this tank, with my career..... I made everything work. No matter what!
To come home everyday from a hard days work and to look at this tank , relentless perseverance , well I can only look back and see how far I have come, they say you reap what you sow.

I made it .... Aitutaki this is my goodbye.