
The Reefuge

Jul 9, 2011
Donations are now open
Hi everyone,

As some of you can see, there is now a donation tracker on the sidebar. Over the last few months, I have had people asking me if it was possible to donate to The Reefuge. Because of this, I have set up a donations tracker.

Donations made to The Reefuge help with the running costs of the website. Currently, the goal is to raise $400 a month for the server bills. If we exceed this, different part of the website will have further funding to get them running much faster. To date, I have been paying the bills (which I am more than happy to do), but if users would like to donate, it would greatly help speed up the development of the site.

Donating does not gain users special permissions. It is simply a way of helping The Reefuge pay bills. It is not a paid membership, nor is it a way of gaining access to hidden areas.

I would like to thank all users who donate, and all users who have been asking me to put it up. Your help is greatly appreciated and with any luck, the sites development will speed up as a result of it.



And quality developments people, is the name of the game ;)
Dont know about everyone else, but being content with the normal is sooooo yesterday..haha

The Reefuge

Jul 9, 2011
Hi everyone,

Wow! I am so happy that funds have been raised so quickly. I am thankful to each of you, thank you very much. It really helps this community. This helps with the server bills, and allows the money that would have been spent to keep the server online to be spent on coding, not just hosting bills. This will allow for faster growth of the community.
