Tank Journal Archive

Dr. Schell

The Fuckin' Doc
Jul 12, 2011
New Coral and Photos of tank
Today, I purchased a relatively large pink birds-nest coral, so time for a few photo updates. I cut up the colony into 3 separate sections (I like the rule of 3 individuals of the same species in the tank (for corals)). As a bonus, the purchased coral came with 3 Acropora crabs (Trapezia sp.) and a single black Coral Goby.
All other corals growing fast, but unfortunately lost the small Dallas frag. Not sure what happened to it but it disappeared overnight, so I assume it was knocked down/ damages then cleaned up by the CUC.
Photos below (please excuse the poor quality photos, I only own a simple 'point and shoot' camera. Please note in the photo below, the anemone was purging itself, so it appears absent. However, it is still in good health. Use this photo to see the large 'crack' within the rock-work into which the anemone has anchored its foot and withdrawn into.
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Note the blue tang (aka camera tart) peering out from between the cracks in the photo above.
Should play 'where's dory?"