Tank Journal Archive



:( Oh Sad
I came home from the world's longest day of waiting for people to find one of, if not the one oldest fish dead... And mostly eaten!


My Lawnmower Blenny was chewed up like dog poo in a lawnmower. My new wrasse was busily consuming him as I was trying to remove the remains from the tank.

So now we need to get a water change done. It's a little overdue, but with the number of fish tank disasters I've had this week, I've effectively already done one. I will force my slave boy/husband to lift 20kg at a time in the next couple of days. I've started a business recently (because work isn't enough) to try to help our budget along and give my brain some exercise while I can't deal with Uni.

I will look into another lawnie. Does anyone have any alternate suggestions for any ravenous algae munchers?