
The Reefuge

Jul 9, 2011
Sponsor Forums - Please Read
Hi everyone,

Sponsored forums are a paid service of The Reefuge to help with running costs associated with our site. They are simply added forums where business owners have control over what is posted. This means that business owners can administrate their forums to however they see fit.

The sponsored forums however, are considered separate forums to The Reefuge. The Reefuge has no control over what is advertised, posted or deleted.

For example, if a user decides to leave negative feedback about "Business A", and "Business A" deletes the feedback, The Reefuge does not have control over it.

However, if the user leaves the feedback in a non-sponsored forum, and it is not classed as spam, the feedback will not be deleted.

I would also like to advise businesses that if negative feedback is left in your forum, as opposed to deleting it, it would be much better to keep it open and try and solve the issue.
