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The Reefuge

Jul 9, 2011
The Reefuge Webmail?
Hi there,

I am just wondering if anyone here would be interested in us setting up a free mail account service. It will be part of the website, and it will allow users to have their own email address hosted with us. For example, a user can have user[at] as their e-mail address.

This is only something that just popped into my head, but I wanted to know if anyone was interested in something like this.



You know what, if enough interest is generated, I'll be there.
Admittedly I'm going to spam you all Viagra tablets, but hey, its a great start to emailing bliss :)
Who would have though waking up this morning, that I could combine talking shit, having a laugh, living marine and emailing all in the one place.
This place truly is magical!!!

Now all I have to figure out, is how to turn fuge credits into beer.


Yeah probably,especially given what you've racked up, ~ but wearing your underwear on your head quoting slurred Shakespeare takes years of practice, to which I'll destroy