Tank Journal Archive


Aug 7, 2014
Been a bit quite on here so apologies! Well, my went over my last RO/DI filter that I used for fresh water and after considering buying new filters for it, I ended up selling it to a mate for his fresh water setup and ended up purchasing a PSI RO/DI filter - These things SCREAM quality! I'll upload some pics tomorrow, don't know if anyone wants to see a photo of an RO/DI filter though? :P Will be setting this up with a pressure pump, solenoid valve and float valve to my storage container (190l) this will contain the RO water and I will have another 100l tank pre-mixed with salt water ready to go for water changes.

Quick question, how many of you guys test the TDS of your storage water? Or do you just make sure it's coming out at '0' from the filter? I had a dual inline TDS meter, but am considering getting a handheld TDS meter so I can test the TDS of my RO water in the storage container to make sure it stays at 0?

Also, Looked into the Zeovit system more (Thanks Oscar!) I'm considering going Zeovit from the start, looks actually quite simple to do and the benefits from it seem beneficial in going with it!

Will hopefully be picking up my tank this Saturday - yayy!! :D So excited!


Aug 7, 2014
Forgot to include, for those Zeovit users out there... I'm thinking Of starting off with the Zeovit meida (of course) Zeobak, Zeofood and Zeostart - Is this a good way of going?

Also, do you still need to dose Calcium and Magnesium the same as you would if you weren't on Zeovit? Little confused on this part, Alkalinity i'm sure you'd still need to dose which is fine... Just Cal and Mag have me confused :)



Jan 8, 2013
St Kilda, Melbourne
Forgot to include, for those Zeovit users out there... I'm thinking Of starting off with the Zeovit meida (of course) Zeobak, Zeofood and Zeostart - Is this a good way of going?

Also, do you still need to dose Calcium and Magnesium the same as you would if you weren't on Zeovit? Little confused on this part, Alkalinity i'm sure you'd still need to dose which is fine... Just Cal and Mag have me confused :)


Great that your thinking of zeovit.

Zeovit basics have changed over the last few years.

You would need
Sponge power would be a good idea too, it will encourage natural filtration sponge to grow.

If you create a thread on the zeo forum they will give you a dosing regime to follow and it won't include the zeofood, not sure but i assume over the years they have created cleaner foods such as coral vitaliser (it seems to be more referred).

In regards to calcium, magnesium and alk. You will need to test these weekly until you learn what mls or grams are required by your system.

correct flow rate through the reactor is important as well as not letting kh get above 8.

There is also a zeovit thread on here but its been quite for a long time so i might revive it. I will tag you in it for your zeovit questions.



Apr 22, 2012
Hey there, welcome to The Reefuge.

This is a little off topic and slightly left field, but do yourself a favour. Call Peter or @callum@psi at PSI Filters and get yourself an RO filter (Don't shop online - have a chat to the guys and they will tell you exactly what you need and where you heard of them).

It's one of the few things in this hobby that will actually save you money. You also have the benefit of knowing what is going in your tank and convenience of not needing to go out and buy water all the time.

Good luck with it and don't forget to heaps of pics in a Tank Journal.


Aug 7, 2014
Hey there, welcome to The Reefuge.

This is a little off topic and slightly left field, but do yourself a favour. Call Peter or @callum@psi at PSI Filters and get yourself an RO filter (Don't shop online - have a chat to the guys and they will tell you exactly what you need and where you heard of them).

It's one of the few things in this hobby that will actually save you money. You also have the benefit of knowing what is going in your tank and convenience of not needing to go out and buy water all the time.

Good luck with it and don't forget to heaps of pics in a Tank Journal.
Hey Macca,

Thanks mate :) Dont worry, I've already had a chat with Callum from PSI filters and I ended up ordering a PSI RO/DI Reef filter! Haha! :) Refer to my post above :D


Apr 22, 2012
cheers - I was going a little crossed eye by the end of 4 pages.

You're on the right track to success.


Jul 11, 2011
Hobart, Tasmania
Hmm not sure if that's a 1000 or an 800? Looks to me more like an 800 going off the size of the light - Could be wrong though!
Yes, that one is a HL800 (or so it said on the box when he unpacked it :) )

You won't be disappointed with the PSI filters - they are probably the most used RO/DI unit in Australia at the moment. I occasionally test the TDS when filling a bucket but I don't subsequently test it prior to use - I can't imagine what would leach into the water from a bucket ?


Aug 7, 2014
Yes, that one is a HL800 (or so it said on the box when he unpacked it :) )

You won't be disappointed with the PSI filters - they are probably the most used RO/DI unit in Australia at the moment. I occasionally test the TDS when filling a bucket but I don't subsequently test it prior to use - I can't imagine what would leach into the water from a bucket ?
Apologies on my delay MagicJ, has been a busy weekend - But a very exciting one!! :D This can mean only one thing! Pictures to follow, of course....

I didn't think it was a 1000, looked smaller than my freshwater 900 haha makes sense now...

Awesome :D I noticed the quality of them straight away when I pulled it out of the box, amazing how well these are built compared to other brands I have used in the past. I was more curious in regards to testing the TDS in the storage container, just to see if anyone done it. More so if something managed to get into the water or leach out of the plastic - Very unlikely, just thought I'd ask if anyone does it :) thanks for getting back to me.

I'll create a new folder for the pictures!