Tank Journal Archive


Oct 21, 2011
Bexley, Sydney
Hows it all progressing?

Hopefully no news is good news!!
Sorry for keeping updated, but easy to just get tied up in life!!!
Well all 3 fish still in QT and they couldn't be healthier! Gramma is doing great! Even picking on the clowns occasionally.
Just been keeping the main tank really stable and clean, and trying to get this darn across to colour up:mad:
Picked up some coral snow, coral vitaliser and Xtra special, wasn't sure whether to get the Xtra os extra special so will see how it goes. Might pick up some bak and dose that with the snow to clean up some cyan. But man I thought my tank water was clear, but after the snow, it literally looks as if there is now water!!
This thurs will be 6 weeks at low salinity in in the qt, so will slowly raise it back up and keep them in there for another 2 weeks. And look at stocking it up with another 3 or 4 fish.
Would love to get another Midas, and maybe some Dispars.
Anyway will post pics real soon!:)


Dec 11, 2011
Well there you go it does sound like good news ;) When you didn't reply I thought it must have been real bad lol